Why is a baby`s skin so sensitive?
Common baby skin problems
You need to be on high alert for anything unusual in your child. But when will you know to go to the doctor, and when will you be able to take matters into your own hands? Let's take a look at some common skin conditions and what your wipes might do for you:
- Nappy rash: A scaly rash can develop under the baby's diaper. If your wipes are left very moist in the area during the replacement process, rather than drying out in the first place, it can cause a rash.
- Heat rash: You'll see little red bumps on the skin. It is caused by heat, especially where clothing rubs against the skin. If the ingredients in baby wipes clog your sweat glands, it can make things worse.
- Atopic eczema: The skin will feel red and itchy, even rough to the touch. It often appears on the cheeks and joints. If your paper towel contains an allergen, it may exacerbate the condition, even though it's not the original cause. Your child will probably carry this around with him or her for the rest of his or her life. Dermatologists can help with prescription drugs, but removing the allergen can help control the allergy.
- Cradle cap: You'll notice pink spots on your scalp and other parts of your body. White scales may also appear. The cause is abnormal oil production, which can be the start of dermatitis or eczema.

These are some of the most common skin conditions, and none of them will put your baby's life at risk. However, when the skin is damaged or ruptured, other bacteria can enter the skin. Your pediatrician or dermatologist can guide your treatment. If you see a persistent problem, or if your condition is getting worse, you should see a professional doctor.
Why is a baby`s skin so sensitive?
That's why new parents have to wrap their babies up and wrap them in layers, even when the weather is fairly warm. You need help regulating your body temperature so that you are helping your baby fight off disease. Your baby's skin could use some help, too.
As a newborn, your baby's body is still adjusting to the new world it's entering:
- The skin isn't mature yet, so it's not a strong barrier, and when the wrong particles get in, it can cause skin problems.
- It takes two years for the skin to mature, so it can best contain moisture
While the baby's skin can regenerate, it's still fragile. A baby's skin is part of the immune system barrier, but a newborn's skin is still very fragile, so it reacts differently than yours. The wrong substances, fragrances, or chemicals can cause irritation or cause dryness. Cracks in the skin can let bacteria pass through, so nourishing healthy skin is vital for your baby's health. It is your responsibility to manage these problems and keep them to a minimum.